Mon, 10/14: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM MDT
Workshop Full Day
Grand Hyatt Denver
Room: Maroon Peak
CM Credit Hours: 8
This interactive workshop will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of product stewardship, including product compliance, risk management, sustainability, and toxicology. It's perfect for those new to product stewardship or with less than five years of experience. Each section will be led by experts in their fields, including several certified professional product stewards.
1. Fundamentals of Product Stewardship with Sonia Razzaque and Lesa Rice-Jackson from 8:00–9:30 AM
2. Basics of Toxicology with Laurie Gneiding and David Szabo from 9:30 AM -11:00 AM
3. Introduction to Product Compliance with Joanna Matthew and Claire Mathis from 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
4. Lunch break from 12:30–1:30 PM
5. Product Risk Management Basics with Rachelle Erickson, Steven Marks, Sonia Razzaque, and Claire Mathis from 1:30 – 3:00 PM
6. Introduction to Sustainability with Joanna Matthew and Rachelle Erickson from 3:00 - 4:40 PM
Upon completion, the participant will be able to:
• Describe fundamental product stewardship principles.
• Recall product compliance strategies and basic risk management principles.
• Describe toxicology fundamentals and sustainability.
• Determine the regulations that their organization must comply with in each country it operates in.
• Anticipate the support and communications roles that products stewards are typically asked to provide to customers.
• Apply the basic concepts of the product risk assessment process and incorporate them into business decision-making and strategies.
• Define the terms "sustainability" and "ESG" and describe differences between them.
• Identify regulations related to sustainability.
• Identify the societal risks of "tunnel vision" and the methods used to measure environmental impacts and sustainability.
• Summarize toxicological issues relating to product stewardship.
• Use methods and references to conduct product risk assessments.
• Fundamentals of Product Stewardship: This section will review basic product stewardship terminology and highlight key product stewardship tools. The presenters will introduce a wide range of topics, including the fundamentals of product stewardship, product compliance, risk management, toxicology, and product sustainability.
• Introduction to Product Compliance: This section will help new product stewards understand the complexities of product compliance and give them an overview of regulations, frameworks, and concepts they must be aware of.
• Product Risk Management Basics: This section will provide a high-level overview of risk exposure, assessment, characterization, and management, as well as regulatory engagement strategy principles.
• Introduction to Sustainability: This section will help new product stewards understand the complexities of sustainability and inform them of regulations, frameworks, and concepts they must know about.
• Basics of Toxicology: This section will cover toxicological terminology, physiology and toxicokinetics, toxicological interactions, target organ toxicity, toxicological issues in product stewardship, the process of development exposure limits and toxicity reference values, qualitative/quantitative structural activity relationships (QSARs), toxicological classifications, and ecotoxicological effects on food webs.
Communication & Training
Career Advancement Track
Risk Assessment Training
Framework Directives
Consumer Product Regulations
Extended Producer Responsibility Requirements
Sustainability - General
Sustainability - Product
Certified Professional Product Steward Domain Alignment
Domain I: Assessment, Impact Analysis, & Risk Management
Domain IV: Regulatory Compliance
Content Level