A Network for Social Interaction Understanding in the Primate Brain

Presented During:

Wednesday, June 28, 2017: 11:08 AM - 11:20 AM
Vancouver Convention Centre  
Room: Room 220-222  

Submission No:


Submission Type:

Abstract Submission 

On Display:

Wednesday, June 28 & Thursday, June 29 


Julia Sliwa1, Winrich Freiwald2


1The Rockefeller University, New York, United States, 2The Rockefeller University, New York, NY

First Author:

Julia Sliwa    -  Lecture Information | Contact Me
The Rockefeller University
New York, United States


Primates continuously decode complex visual scenes into material entities, such as agents, their movements, and their interactions (Grahe and Bernieri, 1999, Ambady et al., 2000). Social interactions and their meaning are quickly recognized by monkeys: they understand grooming, play, and fight, infer social rank from interactions, and utilize this knowledge to recruit allies (Cheney et al., 1986, Bergman et al., 2003). While this understanding is a core cognitive component in primates (Grahe and Bernieri, 1999, Spelke and Kinzler, 2007) and is particularly vulnerable to social pathologies (Kennedy and Adolphs, 2012), little is known about the neural circuitry that underlies it.


To chart the brain regions that process social interactions, we presented naturalistic videos during whole-brain fMRI to four rhesus monkeys. We used three main types of social videos: 1) social interactions between monkeys, 2) monkeys engaged in non-social goal-directed actions, and 3) non-acting monkeys, along with videos of objects' 1) physical interactions, 2) moving independently; and 3) stationary, as well as low-level motion control and natural complex scene videos. Real-world videos were chosen to maximize cognitive engagement. For data analysis, we controlled for eye-movements and visual motion energy, through nuisance regression in the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) and we inspected several other behavioral factors. We searched for areas more activated by social interactions than by any other video condition using conjunction analysis. We compared these areas to canonical face, body, and object patches we mapped with a standard localizer (Tsao et al., 2003), as well as to the Mirror Neuron System (MNS) we mapped using videos of humans grasping objects (Nelissen et al., 2005).


We found that a large portion of the monkey brain is engaged by social interactions (P-corrected < 0.01, False Discovery Rate (FDR) corrected for multiple comparisons, conjunction analysis). This set includes areas located in the STS known for its involvement in analysis of social cues such as faces and bodies, and areas in the parietal-premotor cortex, which houses the MNS. But also other areas, we further refer to as the Social Interaction Network (SIN). SIN areas partially overlapped with areas described as the monkey default-mode network (DMN)(Mantini et al., 2011). Because of their anatomical location, we wondered if any of the SIN areas would display a social functional signature akin to the human DMN. For videos of social interactions only, we found a set of brain regions showing exclusive activation compared to baseline, further termed ESIN, comprised of the mPFC, ACC and dmPFC, area 7a in the inferior parietal lobe, areas of the vlPFC, and areas 10o and 14r within the OFC. We wondered which brain networks support the SIN and the ESIN. ROI analysis indicates that interactions engage face, body and object patches of the STS differentially in an interaction specific manner (Student t-tests, Holm-Bonferroni corrected for multiple comparisons using family wise error (FWE) rate at P-corrected < 0.05). Further a parieto-premotor network, co-localizing with the MNS, was activated by agent-object interactions but also by social interactions and more surprisingly by physical interactions (Student t-tests, P-corrected < 0.01 FDR-voxel wise). Functional similarity measured with PCA and correlation distances showed face patches as putative entry points to the SIN; while the MNS appeared more similar to object and body patches and differed substantially from the (E)SIN.


These results uncover the existence of a social cognition network with deep evolutionary heritage, they offer a new view on the function of the STS, and re-define the role of the mirror neuron system.

Higher Cognitive Functions:

Higher Cognitive Functions Other

Imaging Methods:


Motor Behavior:

Mirror System

Social Neuroscience:

Social Cognition 1
Social Interaction 2


Social Interactions

1|2Indicates the priority used for review

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Ambady N, Bernieri FJ, Richeson JA (2000) Toward a histology of social behavior: Judgmental accuracy from thin slices of the behavioral stream.
Bergman TJ, Beehner JC, Cheney DL, Seyfarth RM (2003) Hierarchical classification by rank and kinship in baboons. Science 302:1234-1236.
Cheney D, Seyfarth R, Smuts B (1986) Social relationships and social cognition in nonhuman primates. Science 234:1361-1366.
Grahe JE, Bernieri FJ (1999) The Importance of Nonverbal Cues in Judging Rapport. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 23:253-269.
Kennedy DP, Adolphs R (2012) The social brain in psychiatric and neurological disorders. Trends Cogn Sci 16:559-572.
Mantini D, Gerits A, Nelissen K, Durand J-B, Joly O, Simone L, Sawamura H, Wardak C, Orban GA, Buckner RL (2011) Default mode of brain function in monkeys. The Journal of Neuroscience 31:12954-12962.
Nelissen K, Luppino G, Vanduffel W, Rizzolatti G, Orban GA (2005) Observing Others: Multiple Action Representation in the Frontal Lobe. Science 310:332-336.
Spelke ES, Kinzler KD (2007) Core knowledge. Dev Sci 10:89-96.
Tsao DY, Freiwald WA, Knutsen TA, Mandeville JB, Tootell RB (2003) Faces and objects in macaque cerebral cortex. Nature neuroscience 6:989-995.